Does Quest's location tracking work well?

  • BY holomia Date 2020-11-06 14:19:14

The Oculus Quest uses Inside Out tracking technology, so we had to set up the arena so that there was enough detail for the headset to see the space clearly and track stably.

1. We can tape adhesive or can print banners, backdrops to add as much details as possible. (
2. Well-lit the playground, avoid using high-intensity spotlights (laser type) to shine directly on the camera on the headsets.
3. If the play area is dark, we can use IR lights. Quest's camera can see space through this light. (
4. When the headsets go to sleep, tracking may be lost. We can set a longer sleep time (MX Installation Page 10:
5. Keeping Guardian mode ON will help to remember the space every time we turn on the headset again.

Here are some examples of some VR Arena that our customers have done.

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